In the final installment of the series, our beloved book keeper, Nicholas Bracewell takes his final bow as the curtain closes on Westfield's Men; but not before he solves just one more crime. Following a disastrous fire that burns down The Queen's Head, the players must take their talents elsewhere. Their newly widowed patron, Lord Westfield plans to marry again and sets his sights on a princess of Denmark. With her uncle being a fan of Westfield's Men, the troupe are invited to join their patron in his travels to go and wed his beautiful bride in Elsinore. Bracewell and his fellows face perils on the sea as they head for Denmark. But as always for Westfield's Men, trouble seems to follow them wherever they go and when a body is discovered, questions need to be answered.
Part of the Nicholas Bracewell Series series.
Title | The Princess Of Denmark |
Author | Edward Marston |
Media | eBooks |
Genre | Mystery |
ISBN | 9780749015411 |
Published | 2014-05-15 |
Stock | In stock |
Pages | 320 |