1941 the Isle of Dogs. Neglected by their drunken mother young Bella Doyle and her brother Terry are left to roam the streets fending for themselves and skipping school with ease. When her mother's boyfriend turns violent Bella finds refuge with Micky Bryant a local ne'er-do-well. After the war Bella marries Micky but with her husband falling into a life of crime Bella struggles to stay one step ahead of the law cope with Micky's wayward behaviour and control her growing feelings for his elder brother Ronnie. It takes a shocking tragedy for Bella to realize that she must shape her own destiny...
Title | Bella Of Bow Street |
Author | Carol Rivers |
Narrator | Annie Aldington |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | Family Saga |
ISBN | 9780857146533 |
Published | 2008-09-01 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 11 hours 43 minutes |