<p>Are you having trouble focusing on your studies? Want to improve your memory increase your productivity and accelerate your learning?</p><p>Studying can be hard. With so much on your plate it can seem impossible to get it all done. <strong>Finding the motivation and the study-strategies can seem impossible.</strong></p><p>You’ve spent hours staring at your textbook but nothing seems to be sinking in. You’ve got a big test just around the corner but you just can’t seem to memorize the facts and figures.</p><p>So how do you accelerate your learning create fool-proof study strategies and beat the dreaded brain-fog once and for all?</p><p><strong>The Solution: Accelerated learning.</strong></p><p>Accelerated learning is a strategy and style that focuses on holistic learning and tapping into your natural rhythms. Instead of fighting an uphill battle accelerated learning works with your natural impulses to create <strong>meaningful lasting connections in your brain</strong>.</p><p>DOWNLOAD: Accelerated Learning: Advanced Techniques to Learn Faster Improve Memory & Become More Productive</p><p>In <em>Accelerated Learning</em> Armani Murphy shows you how to succeed in life by applying key-strategies to your studies. These strategies will help you learn faster retain more information and improve your memory on a day-to-day basis.</p><p><u>In this comprehensive copy of </u><em><u>Accelerated Learning </u></em><u>you will learn:</u></p><ul><li>3 GUARANTEED methods to improve memory and learning</li><li>How to <u>work smarter not harder</u> (cheat your brain and streamline the process)</li><li>How YOU can harness Periodic and Variety Based Learning to <strong>overcome procrastination improve mental clarity and more</strong> </li><li><u>10 Proven Study Tips to Retain Information Right Now</u></li></ul>
Title | Accelerated Learning |
Author | Armani Murphy |
Narrator | William Harvey Jr. |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | General Fiction |
ISBN | 9781094297019 |
Published | 2020-04-15 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 28 minutes |