Leaving Liverpool behind Libby Gilbert embarks on a transformative journey to London with her newfound friend Suzie. Amidst the bustling city streets they find Libby's parents' cherished stall on Petticoat Lane has been taken over and run into the ground by Libby's conniving uncle. Libby is determined to reclaim what rightfully belongs to her and with Suzie's support she is able to bring the stall back to the way it used to be. But when they unravel a long-held family secret unearthing the truth about her mother's past will it shatter the bright future that lies ahead for Libby?
Title | A Mother's Secret |
Author | Katie Flynn |
Narrator | Anne Dover |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | Family Saga |
ISBN | 9781399131575 |
Published | 2024-02-29 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 10 hours 55 minutes |