Honey is a young bee buzzing with ambition who can't find her role in her small hive. Just when she thinks she's found a job she likes a swarm threatens the whole hive! Honey makes her escape and discovers a rooftop paradise at the top of a tower block - the perfect place to set up a new hive. Fighting off a swarm of angry wasps and working together with her friends Honey saves the day and builds a new home for her and her community!
Part of the Honey's Hive series.
Title | Honey's Hive |
Author | Mo O'Hara |
Narrator | Penelope Rawlins |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | General Fiction |
ISBN | 9781399157438 |
Published | 2023-05-24 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 1 hours 56 minutes |