This classic tale and superb short story by Mark Twain is a funny yet blistering indictment of political hypocrisy. <br> A mysterious stranger is treated badly by the town of Hadleyburg-the town that proclaims itself 'the most honest and upright town in the region.' Through an ingenious sting operation the stranger sets out to expose Hadleyburg's leading citizens and reveal their greedy deceitful natures. <br> <br> Twain's burning wit and insight into political posturing and civic cowardice seem more pertinent than ever.
Title | The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg |
Author | Mark Twain |
Narrator | Scott Peterson |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | General Fiction |
ISBN | 9781469001715 |
Published | 2011-04-11 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 2 hours |