<P>R??l estate investment i? a gr??t opportunity to earn profits ?nd g?n?r?t? a ???h flow. Th?r? i? a slight difference b?tw??n real ??t?t? inv??tm?nt ?nd ?th?r t???? ?f inv??tm?nt. R??l ??t?t? inv??tm?nt ??n b? categorized ?? a l?ng-t?rm inv??tm?nt or short-term investment. Good r??l estate inv??t?r has ?bilit? t? invest in real ??t?t? at right time.</P><P>R??l estate investment requires ?r???r knowledge ?nd ??n??ntr?ti?n t? inv??t in g??d ?i??? ?f land. Sometimes h??v? investment gives wr?ng r??ult? in th? future ?nd ??m?tim?? with a ?m?ll inv??tm?nt ??u can ??rn m?r?. Investors ?h?uld be ?l?rt at th? time ?f inv??tm?nt in real ??t?t?. </P><P>If ??u'r? g?ing t? r?nt ??ur ?r???rt? ??u should h?v? sufficient kn?wl?dg? ?b?ut tenant ?r?bl?m? and r??uir?m?nt? ?f t?n?nt?. Y?u ?h?uld b? ?w?r? ?f ?ll fin?n?i?l ?? w?ll ?? l?g?l requirements f?r your r??l ??t?t?. Inv??tm?nt g??l? ?r? th? ?rim?r? f??t?r for real ??t?t? investment.</p><P>This book will give you the necessary knowledge to d??id? what your inv??tm?nt g??l? are and know what you want to d? with ??ur r??l ??t?t?.</P><P>An Author's Republic audio production.</p>
Title | Real Estate Investing |
Author | Travis Goleman |
Narrator | Jeremy Lunnen |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | General Fiction |
ISBN | 9781518989568 |
Published | 2018-01-07 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 58 minutes |