<span style='' >In today's America only a slim majority of people register to vote and a large percentage of registered voters don't bother to show up: Donald Trump was elected by only 26 percent of eligible voters. Unfortunately this is not a bug in our system it's a feature. Thom Hartmann unveils the strategies and tactics that conservative elites in this country have used from the foundation of the Electoral College to the latest voter ID laws to protect their interests by preventing “the wrong people”—such as the poor women and people of color—from voting while making it more convenient for the wealthy and white. But he also lays out a wide variety of simple commonsense ways that we the people can fight back and reclaim our right to rule through the ballot box. <br/><br/></span>
Title | The Hidden History of the War on Voting |
Author | Thom Hartmann |
Narrator | Sean Pratt |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | General Fiction |
ISBN | 9781523087815 |
Published | 2020-02-11 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 4 hours 11 minutes |