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Breaking the Da Vinci Code

Breaking the Da Vinci Code


By Darrell L. Bock Ph.D/ Read by Chris Fabry

<DIV><DIV><DIV>Many who have read the <i>New York Times</i> bestseller <i>The Da Vinci Code</i> have questions that arise from seven codes-expressed or implied-in Dan Brown's book. In <i>Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone's Asking</i> Darrell Bock Ph.D. responds to the novelist's claims using central ancient texts and answers the following questions:Who was Mary Magdalene? Was Jesus Married? Would Jesus Being Single be Un-Jewish? Do the So-Called Secret Gnostic Gospels Help Us Understand Jesus? What Is the Remaining Relevance of <i>The Da Vinci Code</i>? Darrell Bock's research uncovers the origins of these codes by focusing on the 325 years immediately following the birth of Christ for the claims of <i>The Da Vinci Code</i> rise or fall on the basis of things emerging from this period. <i>Breaking the Da Vinci Code</i> now available in audio distinguishes fictitious entertainment from historical elements of the Christian faith. For by seeing these differences one can break the Da Vinci code.</div></div></div>
