<p>It w?? m?d-m?rn?ng ?nd I f?und m???lf in m? w?rk?h?? ?truggl?ng to ?h??t ??m? ??r?w? u? thr?ugh th? b?tt?m ?f a ??r??t?d ??t t?w?r b??? th?t I h?d bu?lt th? ?r?v??u? d??.</p><p>I h??rd th? ?h?n? r?ng ?ut ?n the TV r??m. Of ??ur?? th? ?h?n? ?lw??? ???m? t? r?ng wh?n I ?m most un?v??l?bl? I th?ught t? m???lf. But ?t'? M?rl?n?. Wh?t ?th?r things d? ??u l?k?? Wh?t d? ??u l?k? ?n ??ur w?m?n Lucky?' I m??n m?.</p><p>I l?k? ?v?r?th?ng ?b?ut ??u. I l?v? ??ur t?t? n???l?? ?nd ?r??l?? ?nd ??ur b??ut?ful ???.</p><p>I l?k? k?ndn???; I l?k? ????l? wh? ??r?; I like und?r?t?nd?ng ?????t?n?? ?nd ???r????t??n. I l?k? h?l??ng g?v?ng ?nd ??m??????n t?w?rd? humanity. I l?k? t?lk?ng t? th? ?ld?rl? ?h?ldr?n ?nd ????l? ?f ?th?r ?ultur??. I l?k? th? ??und ?f ????n w?v?? ?r??h?ng ?nt? the ?h?r?l?n?. I l?k? th? ??und ?f h?wl?ng w?nd dr?v?ng r??n th? d??t?nt wh??tl? ?f a train ?nd a l?n?l? ???n?.</p><p>I l?k? th? m?g?? of Chr??tm?? th? ?m?ll ?f ??r?ng th? crisp Autumn ??r th? ??l?n?? ?f a summer n?ght ?nd th? f?r?t ?n?w ?f th? ?????n. I l?k? t? b? t?u?h?d h?ld ?nd hugg?d t?ghtl?. I l?k? t? b? th?ught ?f just because. I like closeness ?nd l??ng t?g?th?r ?n ??m??n?'? arms I l?k? ??ft full l??? ??ft k????? ??ft ?k?n ?nd ??ft hands ?tr?k?ng m? f???. I like vuln?r?b?l?t? h?n??t? ?nd hum?l?t?. I l?k? ??????n b??ng ??du??d t????d ?nd h?v?ng a l?v?r th?t ??n't ?fr??d to t?k? ?h?rg? and t?ll m? wh?t ?h? w?nt?. And m??b? th? ??m?l??t ?f ?ll... I l?k? t? b? ?ur?r???d ?nd th? th?ught th?t someone t??k the t?m? ?nd th?ughtfuln??? t? d? ??.'</p><p>M?rl?n? h??rd my excitement gr?w?ng ?nd my br??th?ng gr?w?ng h??v??r.</p>
Title | Sweet Perfection 2 |
Author | Tonny Rutakirwa |
Narrator | Jade Young |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | General Fiction |
ISBN | 9781662245169 |
Published | 2020-06-01 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 4 hours 53 minutes |