The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British institution and its story during the Second World War is also our story. This was a period of remarkable voices: Churchill's speeches de Gaulle's broadcasts from exile Richard Dimbleby and Vera Lynn. Radio offered an incomparable tool for propaganda while at the same time eyewitness testimonies gave a voice to everyone securing the BBC's reputation as a purveyor of truth. Edward Stourton explores the BBC's wartime journey investigating archives diaries letters and memoirs to examine what the BBC was and what it stood for.
Title | Auntie's War: The Bbc During The Second World War |
Author | Edward Stourton |
Narrator | Edward Stourton |
Media | Audiobooks |
Genre | History |
ISBN | 9781787067301 |
Published | 2018-05-01 |
Stock | In stock |
Duration | 14 hours 4 minutes |